Cloudflare icon


Use a free Cloudflare account to unlock a variety of useful features for your Supertape website and custom domain.

Understanding Cloudflare

Cloudflare provides services to enhance the performance, security, and functionality of websites. Supertape uses Cloudflare behind the scenes already, but sometimes it’s useful for musicians to setup their own free account with them to fix specific DNS issues they’re having, or to help move away from a previous website without leaving a bunch of dead links.

Good to know! Unless you have specific needs like those above, you don’t need to do any of this. :)

Setting up a free Cloudflare account

  1. Sign up for a Cloudflare account.
  2. Once logged in, click Add a website or application.
  3. Enter your custom domain and hit Continue.
  4. Select the free plan and Continue.
  5. If they’re not already added, use Add record to create these two records:
    1. Type: CNAME, Name: www, Target:
    2. Type: CNAME, Name: @, Target:
  6. Make sure both records are proxied (orange cloud) and Continue.
  7. Follow their instructions to update your nameservers and Continue.
  8. On the Quickstart Guide hit Finish later (Supertape handles this).
  9. Wait for your nameservers to finish updating (Cloudflare will notify you).
  10. That’s it! Your Supertape site is now running through your Cloudflare.

Redirecting old broken URLs with Cloudflare

  1. Sign up or sign in to a Cloudflare account and select your website.
  2. Visit Rules > Redirect Rules in the sidebar.
  3. Follow their instructions to create either a single or bulk redirect rule.
  4. Once finished, hit Save and Deploy for your changes to go live.
  5. Test your redirects in a browser to make sure it’s working as intended.