Connecting to Bandcamp

Learn all about how Supertape's Bandcamp integration works—how to connect, what's synced, and more.

Updated over a week ago

Supertape's Bandcamp integration lets you promote your music, merch, and video on your own website, and automatically imports new releases as soon as they drop.

Synced from Bandcamp

  • Profile

  • Music

  • Merch

  • Videos

Connecting Bandcamp

  1. Visit Settings > Platforms and select the + button.

  2. Select Music and then Bandcamp

  3. Enter your Bandcamp profile URL and hit Save

How to find your Bandcamp profile

  1. Open or search for your artist profile on Bandcamp

  2. Copy the URL from your browser's address bar

  3. Remove any extra text after the .com in the URL

How it works

  1. Connect your Bandcamp to Supertape

  2. Your Bandcamp albums, products, and videos will be added to your site

  3. Share a smart link to any of your albums, products, and videos with fans

  4. Track visitors and referrers to your smart link from your Dashboard

  5. Promote Bandcamp in your site's footer if you'd like

  6. We'll sync with Bandcamp daily to grab anything new

Good to know

  • All of your albums should have UPCs and tracks should have ISRCs. This allows us to match your music to other platforms far more accurately.

  • Different album formats (ie vinyl, cassette, digital, etc) should have separate UPCs, typically provided by your manufacturer. Otherwise they look like duplicates to Supertape and music charts. Similarly, songs and videos should have separate ISRCs.

  • Albums from other Bandcamp profiles can’t be imported. Either add the album to your Bandcamp, or in the case of labels, request that they add you.

Bandcamp FAQ

Why aren't my albums importing from Bandcamp?

  • All tracks on Bandcamp need to be part of an album. Any loose tracks that don’t belong to an album can’t be matched to your music from other platforms, so they won’t be added to your Supertape inventory.

  • Displaying your artist subscription on your Bandcamp home page will currently prevent us from syncing your inventory. For now, you should remove it from your Bandcamp home page.

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