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Learn how Supertape syncs your merch from online store platforms, and how to promote, edit, and hide your products.

Syncing a product

Supertape syncs your products from your connected platforms into your inventory daily, making sure everything you release is automatically added to your site.

Pro tip! Double-check that your UPC codes are set correctly on all platforms to ensure accurate syncing. Remember each album format (ie vinyl, cassette, digital, etc) needs its own unique UPC.

Posting a product

Posts allow you to feature your product on your home page.

  1. Visit Inventory > Merch and select the product you’d like to post.
  2. Select the three dots in the top right and Post.
  3. Add a short message, optionally change the image, and hit Save.

Editing a product

  1. Visit Inventory > Merch and select the product you’d like to edit.
  2. Select the three dots in the top right and Edit.
  3. Make your changes and hit Save.

Hiding a product

  1. Visit Inventory > Merch and select the product you’d like to hide.
  2. Select the three dots in the top right, Hide, and confirm.

Unhiding a product

  1. Visit Inventory > Merch and select Hidden from the dropdown menu in the top right.
  2. Select the product that you’d like to unhide.
  3. Select the three dots in the top right, Unhide, and confirm.