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Learn how domains and DNS work, and what options you have for setting up and managing custom domains on Supertape.

Understanding domains

Every site on the internet needs a domain, and all Supertape sites come with a default domain to begin accessing it right away. You’re welcome to use your default domain for as long as you’d like, but we recommend taking your brand up a notch by setting up a custom domain.

Custom domains like or are an awesome way to make your site feel branded and official, make your URL more memorable, and even get a nice boost to your SEO. Once you add a custom domain, your default will automatically redirect to it.

Connecting a domain

If you’ve purchased a custom domain through a 3rd-party domain provider (GoDaddy, Squarespace, Hover, Namecheap, etc.), you can use it with Supertape.

Add your domain to Supertape

  1. Visit the Settings > Domains section of the app and select the + button.
  2. Enter your domain name (ex: and hit Next.
  3. You will now see instructions similar to those below.

Remove old DNS records

Login to your domain provider and remove any DNS records for your domain that you may have setup for a previous website. In particular, look for these:

  • Type - A
  • Host - @
  • Value - any IP address


  • Type - CNAME
  • Host - www
  • Value - any domain

Add www DNS record

Still on your domain provider, add the following CNAME record to your domain. Here’s how to do it on Cloudflare,, GoDaddy, Squarespace, Namecheap, Porkbun, and Hover.

  • Type - CNAME
  • Host - www
  • Value -

Pro tip! If you need help, search your domain provider’s help area, or reach out to their support team.

Add root DNS record (optional)

Still on your domain provider, add the following ANAME, ALIAS, or Flattened CNAME record (they’re all the same thing) for your root (aka apex or naked) domain. Here’s how to do it on Cloudflare,, Namecheap, Porkbun, and DNSimple.

  • Type - ANAME / ALIAS / CNAME
  • Host - @
  • Value -

Pro tip! If your provider doesn’t support this type of record (like GoDaddy and Squarespace), we suggest using Cloudflare to do it for free.

That’s it! Now we wait…

With setup complete, now we wait for your new DNS settings to kick in. This usually only takes a few minutes, but can sometimes take up to 48 hours.

You can refresh your domain on Supertape, or leave and check back later. If your domain isn’t active after 48 hours, please contact us.

Refreshing a domain

Refreshing your domain will check its configuration on your domain provider and provide any errors or instructions needed to fix things up.

  1. Visit the Settings > Domains section of the app and select your domain.
  2. Select the three dots in the top right and then Refresh.
  3. The latest info and instructions will be displayed.

Changing your primary domain

Your primary domain is the one shown in the browser address bar. All other domains redirect to your primary.

  1. Visit the Settings > Domains section of the app and select the active domain you’d like to make primary.
  2. Select the three dots in the top right and then Make primary.
  3. Your domain is now your primary, and all others will now redirect to it.

Good to know! When you add your first domain, it will automatically become your primary. Pending domains that still require setup can’t be your primary domain.

Deleting a domain

If you have multiple domains, you can delete any of them except for your primary domain.

  1. Visit the Settings > Domains section of the app and select the domain you’d like to delete.
  2. Select the three dots in the top right and then Delete.
  3. Your domain is now deleted and will no longer redirect to your primary.

Good to know! Your primary domain can only be deleted if it’s your last domain.